In the current edition of this highly conceptual future museum of motion the digital art show

Desert Feel / Reel Estate

is dedicated to virtual experiences related and interpretated within this realm of these notions.

Come visit us on VRenice Beach and investigate on:
What is a Desert Feel? Which meaning is given to Reel Estate and why? In what kind of context could certain interpretations of this notions by the artists make more or less sense? How to experience such? How to navigate in such? How to interact? And for what reason? Which possibilities are offered in such a surreal, abstracted, high conceptual virtual art space? Not only with audiovisual design and technology but with your whole sensual body tool box within a physical installation? How, when and why could this be nessessary? In which context more or less? And what kind of narrations can be told here in the context of designing a future and time based media spaces?

The projects shown here, investigate space, time and materiality in/of motion (design) in virtual spaces on screens and explore the possibilities of sensual impact and interaction of viewers body involved.

︎︎︎Check out the projects

Over the timespan of 8 weeks (midtermproject) 17 KISD integrated design students made their designer hands dirty in a critical practice based endeavor on time-in-space-in-time-in-space-in-time-in-space-motion-complexities.

7 artist teams were working with the creative tech environment of/in the Motion Experience Lab and were creating a set of virtual experiences, time based media artefacts & multisensual installations, which are meant to be exhibited ... one day postcorona.

A practice based research project
with KISD students

Amber White, Clarisa  Vallin, Dario Irias, David Delmay, Ema Simunec, Evie Anderson, Günter  Ohlendorf, Irena Arndt, Jakob Greven, Joan Cofan Carre, Julien Wolff, Lennard  Wasser, Leon  Möhring, Liu Huichan, Paul  Kundt, Theodora Karagianni

within the Image & Motion Department
initiated and lectured by Prof.
Nina Juric

supported by Matthias Rosenthal with help from Pasha Bahrami (SHK) and Leon Möhring (SHK)

Additional help by Richard Jungkunz